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To-do list can be used to record the completion of tasks or items.
Below is a typical task list:
It supports indentation structures. Note that a block with indentation becomes a sub-block of the previous block, forming a group. When you drag the parent block, the entire group will be moved together. When you copy a duplicate of the parent block, the entire group will be copied together. When you unindent, the group relationship is broken, and the two blocks become peers.
Below is a typical to-do list with indentation structures:
Creation methods:
" button or type "/
" to open the quick command menu and choose the to-do list option to create a to-do list item./todo
and press Enter
to create a new one.In FlowUs AI, you can quickly create to-do lists using Markdown syntax:
(half-width) or 【】
(full-width) at the beginning of a line to create a check box.