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No matter you have created a page or a subpage ,you can design its own icon or cover.

Page Cover

Each page can set its own **page cover,**as a banner image at the top of any page. Move your mouse over the page title, and the Add Cover entry will appear.It'll appear at the top left of your page and in the sidebar next to it.

We provide some galleries for you to choose from, or you can choose to upload your favorite image. It supports displaying the Recently Uploaded image, and supports removing the cover image.

-There are a few ways to add page covers:

Page Icon

Each page can set its own page icon. Move your mouse over the page title, and the Add Icon entry will appear. The default icon will be a randomly selected emoji icon when added for the first time.

You can click on the icon area to replace it. Supports replacing emoji icons or choosing to upload your favorite icons (GIFs are also supported). It supports displaying the Recently Uploaded icons and removing the icon.


-There are a few ways to add page icons:


To format text (or any other type of blocks) into columns, do the following:

Page width

You can shrink the margins on any page and widen your content area by going to ••• at the top right of your Notion window and toggling on Full width.