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<aside> 💡

In the group version/team version space, you can efficiently collaborate with colleagues from your company department, school class, and various team organizations. By inviting members to join the multi-person space, you can achieve flexible content management in the team's public work area and personal work area. You can also create member groups to efficiently manage organizational permissions.


1. Invite members to join the space

Only group version spaces and team version spaces can invite people to join the space. Please ensure that you have switched to this type of space and enter Settings - Space Members to invite. Only space administrators can see the invitation entry; ordinary members can ask the administrator for the invitation link after inviting.

2. Manage members

The creator of the space is the default first "administrator" of the space, and new members are automatically "members" by default. Administrators can change it at any time, and the submission is immediately effective.

3. Create member groups

You can group any member into 1 or more member groups, and member groups can help you configure page collaboration permissions more conveniently.

Currently, member groups only apply to team version spaces and do not apply to group version spaces. Member groups do not support configuration for external collaborators.