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<aside> 💡

FlowUs AI supports batch selection of existing blocks to convert to mind maps, or directly create mind map pages. It is another powerful tool for structured content organization.



Mind map function is open to all space versions. In the free version space, there is a node quantity limitation. When the number of existing nodes exceeds 300, existing nodes can continue to be edited and deleted, but new nodes cannot be added.

Basic Concepts

Each node in a mind map represents a "block", and you can insert various block types, or structure existing data through "inline page references" and "inline block references".

1. Use mind maps to organize the content structure of multi-dimensional tables

2. Use mind maps to organize the literature

Create a Mind Map

  1. When creating a new page, select Mind Map to create an independent mind map page.
  2. In a regular page, choose Mind Map through the + menu; or enter / to access the menu, then type /mindmap or /nt or /naotu or /brainmap to insert an embedded mind map or a mind map page into the current page.
  3. In a regular page, select the content you have already typed and convert it to an embedded mind map.

<aside> 💡

Note: Automatically recognize blocks as "central nodes" (central nodes will default to becoming the title of the mind map page). Sub-nodes under the central node will automatically be listed as sub-nodes. See the diagram below for an illustration.


The block below the embedded mind map, after execution indentation, will automatically enter the embedded mind map node by default.

Mind Map Conversion

The display format of mind maps in regular pages supports conversion, which can be achieved through the block menu:

  1. Supports mutual conversion between page and embedded formats
  2. Supports mutual conversion between embedded, page formats, and page content

Node Management

Add New Node

Select the node that needs to be added below, click + to add a subnode. Alternatively, you can use the following shortcut keys to quickly add the corresponding nodes.

Name Shortcut
Insert sibling node ​​​​enter​​​​
Insert child node ​​​​tab​​​​
Insert parent node ​​​​shift​​​​ + ​​​​tab​​​​
Enter node edit mode ​​​​space​​​​
Node line break ​​​​shift``​​​​ + ​​​​enter​​​​
Node navigation ​​​​↑↓← →​​​​

SetNode Style

Moving Nodes

When you need to move the node position, long press and drag the node to the expected position.

Branch Theme Color

After selecting a branch, you can set the branch theme color, which will unify the background and text color of each node. You can set a separate theme color for each level of nodes.

You can still manually modify the background color or text color using the coloring function. After modification, the theme color change will not affect the custom coloring (the background and text color are mutually exclusive, only one can be set. If you need to coexist, you can use selection to color the text).

If you want to change the custom coloring to follow the branch theme, you can find "Follow Branch Theme" in the color setting to set it.
