Getting started with FlowUs AI!
Invite members to join the space
**「Text」**is the most basic block.
Enter a piece of text, and the default blank lines are all 「Text」 blocks.
When you use the carriage return or click the blank space in the page, it will automatically insert the text block.
" button or type "/
" to bring up the menu, and then select Text to create a text block./text
and press Enter to create it.When you editing in a body block,
key always generates a new body block;shift + enter
to wrap lines within same text block.FlowUs AI is equipped with all the text styling features you've come to expect from any word processor — with a few more added in. Highlight any text to see this menu:
<aside> ✍🏻
Bold & Italics & Underline & Strikethrough & In-line code & Comment & comment @ & Color & Link
Of course, all the usual shortcuts apply, like cmd/ctrl
+ B
for bold and cmd/ctrl
+ shift
+ S
for strikethrough. But we've thrown in a couple others:
+ E
to display code in-line.cmd/ctrl
+ shift
+ M
to add a comment to any text.@
to mention a page or a person in your workspace.
While typing, you can use Markdown to change the text style:
on either side of your text to bold.*
on either side of your text to italicize.inline code
. (That's the symbol to the left of your 1 key.)~
on either side of your text to strikethrough.
At the beginning of any line of text to create new block :
, -
, or +
followed by space
to create a bulleted list.[]
to create a to-do checkbox. (There's no space
in between.)1.
followed by space
to create a numbered list.#
followed by space
to create an H1 header.##
followed by space
to create an H2 sub-header.###
followed by space
to create an H3 sub-header.>
followed by space
to create a toggle list."
followed by space
to create a quote block.