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Gallery View is a view that displays content in card format. You can set page cover, page content, and file media as card display content. Gallery View can be used for recording personal travel guides and photos, designer portfolios, employee photo walls for teams, brand materials, marketing calendars, and more.
Unlike Board View, Gallery View does not automatically create groups when created, allowing users to set up groups as needed.
Gallery View defaults to enabling [Card Preview], which adds to the layout display of the view.
In the view menu, select Card Preview to set the cover of the "record page", page content, or file media attribute as the preview content. Choosing page content as the card preview will automatically display text and images from the "record page".
You can also adjust the overall size of the card display.
You can choose to display only part of the attributes in the settings to keep the information on the Kanban simple.
You can also choose whether to display "attribute name" in the view menu as a guide.
to change the group color.