Getting started with FlowUs AI!
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A synced block is a special type of block that can display identical content in different locations. When content is edited in one place, all other instances of the content are updated in real time.
To sync content across pages, simply copy one or multiple blocks from one page, paste in another, then select Paste and sync
+ C
+ V
).Paste and sync
. Your content now syncs across pages.Copy and sync
, then paste in your intended destination.<aside> 💡
Note: If a user doesn't have access to the page containing the original block, they won't be able to see the synced block anywhere else. Make sure to give the right users permission to see the original block.
Synced blocks also work inside the same page! You can convert any existing content in your workspace into a synced block, then paste to create a copy.
block handle to the left of the selection. Select Turn into
→ Synced block
to make selected blocks syncable.<aside> 💡
Tip: The slash command /turnsync
can also be used to convert an existing block into a synced block!
Copy and sync
, then paste in the same page.You can add new synced blocks from scratch:
or with the +
menuCopy and sync
and paste in any destination to create a synced copy.Hovering over content synced across different pages will show a red border, making it easy to identify.
Click on a synced block to edit and add content within. You can also drag other blocks into the synced block.
In the synced block menu, you see a message:
Editing in ↙# other pages
that indicates the number of pages in which the synced block exists.
Clicking on Editing in ↙ # other pages
will allow you to view and navigate to any of those other locations.
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Tip: In this menu, the original synced block will have ORIGINAL next to it.