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Simple Table can help you make your page content more clear and structured, making it easier for others to understand.

Operation Shortcut Function
Create Block ​​​​enter​​​​ Insert a new content block
Deselect ​​​​esc​​​​ Select the current content block while editing, and deselect when a content block is selected
Undo ​​​​cmd / ctrl​​​​+ Z​​​​ Undo the last edit
Redo ​​​​cmd / ctrl​​​​ + ​​​​shift ​​​​+ ​​​​Z​​​​ Redo the last undone edit
Unindent ​​​​shift​​​​ + ​​​​tab​​​​ When editing a content block, unindent and ungroup

Create Simple Table

Core Features

- Rows/Columns

-Adaptive Width

-Quick Adjust Rows/Columns 'Only Web'

Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Function
​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​ Arrow keys can move the cursor to the corresponding cell
​​​​enter​​​​ Press ​​​​enter​​​​ in each cell to jump to the next cell below
​​​​shift​​​​ + ​​​​enter​​​​ Wrap line within a cell
​​​​tab​​​​ 1. Press ​​​​tab​​​​ in each cell to jump to the next cell on the right.
2.Press ​​​​tab​​​​ in the last cell to add a new line at the bottom and jump to the next cell
​​​​shift​​​​ + ​​​​tab​​​​ Pressing ​​​​shift​​​​ + ​​​​**tab**​​​​ in each cell jumps to the previous cell on the left.
​​​​ctrl​​​​ + ​​​​c​​​​ When the cursor is in a cell and no content is selected, using the shortcut key ctrl + c can quickly copy all the content of the cell.
