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If you want to let anyone on the internet view your page, you'll want to make it public .And anyone on the web can read it and interact with certain components wth the share-link of the page.

Create teh page share-link

<aside> 🔗

It is suitable for public sharing scenarios, and can meet the needs of "personal website display", "public document sharing", "corporate promotional brochures", "product display for sales", and "solution delivery".


After enabling link sharing, external users can view page content and download files without logging in the APP. Of course, if the page owner wants to customize which pages can be viewed/commented on, whether files can be downloaded, and access through a password, they can configure these details in the menu item.


<aside> 💡

1-The sharing link of the page will not change, and it will remain the same link after closing and reopening.

2-If you share the current page, all sub-pages under the current page will automatically enable sharing. You can manually disable sharing in sub-pages by entering the sub-pages, and the sub-pages will not be displayed to others in the sharing link of the parent page. At this time, a prompt "Restricted inheritance of parent page permissions" will appear in the sharing menu of the sub-page.



Set permissions of shared page

Access Permissions

Currently, access permission settings support " Only View " and " Only Comment ". Both permissions do not allow editing the page. After enabling sharing, the default permission is "View Only", which can be changed as needed.


Set the Password

Link sharing does not support specifying the audience that can view it, only allowing access to those who receive the link; and when the link sharing is closed and reopened, it remains the same link. Therefore, if you want to narrow the scope of visibility or adjust access restrictions in stages, you can set a [Password Setting] for link sharing.

After enabling the password, access to the shared page for viewing or commenting is only possible with the password. You can manually change the password regularly to achieve controllable access restrictions.


Other Settings

You can configure options such as "Allow viewers to copy page copies, download, and print" and "Show sidebar directory on shared page".

⚠️ FlowUs AI does not view, publicize, or delete user data. The content you have blocked needs to be manually deleted to release space storage occupation.