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Board view

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Board view is suitable for grouping and organizing data records. The arrangement of the 「 Board 」 will display records according to the grouping. By dragging and dropping the Kanban, you can quickly update the data to the latest status, and data changes will be synchronized in real time to all views under the same multidimensional table.

When creating a Board view, a single-choice attribute grouping setting will be created by default.

Set grouping and sub-grouping

Board view grouping cannot be closed and can only be changed; sub-grouping settings are turned off by default and can be configured or turned off as needed.

Currently, only the [Kanban view] supports sub-grouping settings. After setting up sub-grouping in the Kanban view, you can better manage progress through horizontal and vertical information display.

Set attributes

You can choose to display only part of the attributes in the settings to keep the information in the Board view.

You can also choose whether to display "attribute names" in the view menu as a guide to information.

Card preview

You can also enable card preview for the Board view to add color to the layout and display.

Choose card preview in the view menu, and support setting the cover, page content, or file media attributes of the "record page" as the preview content. Choose page content as card preview, and it will automatically take the text, pictures, etc. in the "record page" to display.

At the same time, you can also adjust the overall size of the card.